Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Gift of Giving

I love buying gifts. I love thinking of each person on my list and coming up with the perfect gift for them... something they would love and maybe wouldn't ever buy for themselves. 

I love seeing their face when they unwrap their present. Smiling and holding it up to their bodies or face or just holding it and staring at it. I think it is so important to give gifts, not just around the holidays, but always. 

Being thoughtful isn't innate to everyone. Some people just go out and buy whatever fits their budget or they grab the first thing they see.  Well, to those people, stop. Think a little before you leave the house. Head to the right store, spa, restaurant... and get the right, most thoughtful gift you can think of.

Did this special someone just move into a new home? Why not buy a beautiful throw blanket?

Is your friend recently married? Engaged? Pregnant? Why not get some cookware, or lingerie, or a spa certificate?

Do you know someone who is obsessed with hand cream, lip balm and all other moisturizing products? If you think you don't know someone like that, you are wrong... I'm about to blow your mind - every woman on Earth loves this stuff! haha!

There are so many ways to tell someone you went out of your way to think about them and make them feel special, and if there is any better time to do it, it is the holidays. I feel as though so many people are so sad around the holidays. Maybe because they are remembering someone they lost, or because they expected one thing and got another, or just lonely. The holidays bring about so many emotions - are you at a place in your life that you'd hoped you'd be at, surrounded by the people you want to be surrounded by? Well, if you the answer is yes, then you are a lucky lucky person. So many friends of mine aren't, but on any ordinary day they are happy and satisfied... it's just something about the holidays that brings everything to the forefront and sadness presents itself.

So what better way to make someone happy then a thoughtful, awesome gift!?

Does your special someone love denim? So do I! There is a large and wide variety of colours, styles and prices when it comes to denim. and since denim is universal, it is always on my list as either a go-to or back-up present.

Another awesome gift is baked goods... especially if you are baking them yourself! my friends love my healthy baking, so making them their favourite goodie is always a treat.

Canada offers a wide selection of winter items to buy for the holidays. Suckers in hot weather are limited because of the sun and ocean, but lucky us up here in Canada, we can buy each other mittens, hats, scarves, earmuffs... even coats! Yay and yippee and woohoo :(

Everyone loves Chucks. High top, low top, black, white, or any colour. You can never go wrong with Converse.

Pyjamas are a no brainer. Also, one of these teenage bodies would be a great gift for my post-pregnancy self ;)

My daughter loves loves loves her newfound best friend... stickers! She puts them all over her face, all over her toys and all over the house. So, of course this year, you can imagine the sticker book I got for her! And when anyone asks me what she wants, I tell them to get her stickers. 

I love painting my own nails. Well, actually, I love getting them done, but time is a luxury I do not have these days, so I sneak away and hide in my room sometimes and paint them myself. So new colours are always a welcomed and appreciated gift for me ;)

It doesn't matter if your gift was $100 or $3, if the gift was purchased with someone specifically in mind, then it is thoughtful. If you friend loves cheeseburgers, then by all means give the gift of cheeseburgers!

There are plenty of ways to express yourself through a gift, but I think most importantly, is the way a gift is received. I love seeing my friend or sister, mother or daughter open the gift I got them and jump up with excitement and gratitude. There is nothing worse for me than having your gift opened and overlooked or tossed to the side. So, to all those gift getters, make sure to be appreciative as much with words as with expression. Because thankfulness in itself is a beautiful gift.

Happy holidays!

thanks for stopping by


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