Friday, December 19, 2014

The very sought after Blanket Poncho Trend

I couldn't be happier about this oldie but a goodie trend hitting the fashion scene once again.
So happy that it makes me want to jump for joy and kick my heels together.
We aren't always blessed with trends that focus around warmth and comfort.
I feel as though we have been given a gift from the higher power of trend setters in the world to allow us to not only look stylish and hot but also feel relaxed and cozy all at the same time.

There are so many looks to go after. As seen in the picture above she chose to wear a cape paired with Skinny leather carpi's, ballet flats and a statement purse. In my eyes this is pure elegance.

Brighten up any gloomy fall/winter day with a pop of color from your new best friend - Yes I am talking about your poncho. This look easily transcends into the winter by layering it over your winter coat for an extra chic look.
Am I attached to my Poncho? Why, yes I am. Do I have enough ponchos in my wardrobe? No I don't! well not yet at least....
There are so many looks to go after, whether its an Aztec print, a sixties revival, a solid cape or a chunky knit, choose the cape that suits your mood for the day.
Stay tuned for more...
Coco xx

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Lemon Chia Seed Muffins You Can't Live Without

Even if I have cake trays and cookie jars full of goodies, I still feel like baking. For who? I don't care!

I just love baking. I like to try out new recipes and tweak them to make them healthy and vegan. I like to hag around the kitchen and have my eldest daughter help me mix, mix, mix up the batter, and I love the smell that wafts through the air as the muffins rise in the oven.

I also like a challenge. It's easy to make something taste delicious when it's filled with sugar and butter; but, to make those same cookies taste equally as delicious without using all those unhealthy ingredients is a challenge I use purely vegan ingredients and my treats are amazing (not to toot my own horn, but I mean, let's call a spade a spade - heaven in every bite)!

So, I found this recipe for Lemon Poppyseed muffins and I immediately thought of my pregnancy with my youngest. I craved Starbucks Lemon Poppyseed cake every single day. Literally. And so, every morning, rain or shine (and trust me, I mean rain - this one time, I ran out of the house at 7:00am 9 months pregnant, eldest in tow, just to get me some Lemon Poppyseed cake).

It is so freakin delicious, it just melts in your mouth. I was always so sad when I would get to the last bite, or worse, when my daughter asked me for some. But alas, I gave birth and my fat-person behaviour needed to stop. Actually, that's not the whole reason... I learned the ingredients and almost fell to the floor. I couldn't believe I was eating such unhealthy food everyday for 9 months straight! 

The craving came back a couple of weeks ago. I needed something lemony.  So, I started browsing. 

Here is kind of what I found (cause I changed a few things):

Lemon Chia Seed Muffins

Bake 350 degrees for 17-22 minutes (until toothpick comes out clean)


  • 2 flax eggs (1 flax egg = 1 tbsp ground flax w/ 3 tbsp water, refrigerate 5 minutes)
  • 1 applesauce container (I use Mott's unsweetened Cherry Berry Carrot 111g in the container)
  • juice from 1 whole lemon
  • zest from 1 whole lemon
  • 1/4 c melted coconut oil
  • 1/4 almond/coconut milk (or any other milk you want)
  • 1/3 cup palm coconut sugar
  • pinch of sea salt
  • 1.5 tsp baking soda
  • 1 heaping tbsp of chia seeds
  • 1/2 cup rolled oats
  • 1.5 cups spelt flour

  1. Lightly grease muffin tray with coconut oil or Earth Balance butter (tray of 12).
  2. Prepare flax egg. Then put in large bowl.
  3. Add applesauce, lemon juice, lemon zest, almond/coconut milk, cane sugar, baking soda and salt. Mix for 45 seconds to 1 minute. Mixture will foam up due to reaction of lemon with baking soda, this is normal. 
  4. Add the flour and oats. Do not over mix. Batter should be thick, not pourable. Add chia seeds.
  5. Divide batter evenly between 12 muffins tins.
  6. Bake 17-22 minutes.
These muffins will be moist and delicious and should keep for about a week if kept in a container.

Enjoy these muffins and watch how your friends and family will gobble them up - no one will know they are super duper healthy ;)

Thanks for stopping by!


picture credit: minimalist baker 

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Gift of Giving

I love buying gifts. I love thinking of each person on my list and coming up with the perfect gift for them... something they would love and maybe wouldn't ever buy for themselves. 

I love seeing their face when they unwrap their present. Smiling and holding it up to their bodies or face or just holding it and staring at it. I think it is so important to give gifts, not just around the holidays, but always. 

Being thoughtful isn't innate to everyone. Some people just go out and buy whatever fits their budget or they grab the first thing they see.  Well, to those people, stop. Think a little before you leave the house. Head to the right store, spa, restaurant... and get the right, most thoughtful gift you can think of.

Did this special someone just move into a new home? Why not buy a beautiful throw blanket?

Is your friend recently married? Engaged? Pregnant? Why not get some cookware, or lingerie, or a spa certificate?

Do you know someone who is obsessed with hand cream, lip balm and all other moisturizing products? If you think you don't know someone like that, you are wrong... I'm about to blow your mind - every woman on Earth loves this stuff! haha!

There are so many ways to tell someone you went out of your way to think about them and make them feel special, and if there is any better time to do it, it is the holidays. I feel as though so many people are so sad around the holidays. Maybe because they are remembering someone they lost, or because they expected one thing and got another, or just lonely. The holidays bring about so many emotions - are you at a place in your life that you'd hoped you'd be at, surrounded by the people you want to be surrounded by? Well, if you the answer is yes, then you are a lucky lucky person. So many friends of mine aren't, but on any ordinary day they are happy and satisfied... it's just something about the holidays that brings everything to the forefront and sadness presents itself.

So what better way to make someone happy then a thoughtful, awesome gift!?

Does your special someone love denim? So do I! There is a large and wide variety of colours, styles and prices when it comes to denim. and since denim is universal, it is always on my list as either a go-to or back-up present.

Another awesome gift is baked goods... especially if you are baking them yourself! my friends love my healthy baking, so making them their favourite goodie is always a treat.

Canada offers a wide selection of winter items to buy for the holidays. Suckers in hot weather are limited because of the sun and ocean, but lucky us up here in Canada, we can buy each other mittens, hats, scarves, earmuffs... even coats! Yay and yippee and woohoo :(

Everyone loves Chucks. High top, low top, black, white, or any colour. You can never go wrong with Converse.

Pyjamas are a no brainer. Also, one of these teenage bodies would be a great gift for my post-pregnancy self ;)

My daughter loves loves loves her newfound best friend... stickers! She puts them all over her face, all over her toys and all over the house. So, of course this year, you can imagine the sticker book I got for her! And when anyone asks me what she wants, I tell them to get her stickers. 

I love painting my own nails. Well, actually, I love getting them done, but time is a luxury I do not have these days, so I sneak away and hide in my room sometimes and paint them myself. So new colours are always a welcomed and appreciated gift for me ;)

It doesn't matter if your gift was $100 or $3, if the gift was purchased with someone specifically in mind, then it is thoughtful. If you friend loves cheeseburgers, then by all means give the gift of cheeseburgers!

There are plenty of ways to express yourself through a gift, but I think most importantly, is the way a gift is received. I love seeing my friend or sister, mother or daughter open the gift I got them and jump up with excitement and gratitude. There is nothing worse for me than having your gift opened and overlooked or tossed to the side. So, to all those gift getters, make sure to be appreciative as much with words as with expression. Because thankfulness in itself is a beautiful gift.

Happy holidays!

thanks for stopping by


Friday, December 12, 2014

A Holiday Look

So your holiday office party is coming up and you are fresh out of ideas on how to look stunning yet effortless?

Well, I can help you with that :)

I think a lot of women have a hard time putting their look together, because they focus on each element individually rather than putting the outfit together from head to toe (face included).

You can't simply think of the outfit and shoes, you also need to think about how to make your hair and make up match the look.

I like to go for a natural look: light on the eyes and flawless skin (if possible). Sometimes I like to spice things up with red lipstick (did I say sometimes? K, almost always).

I love a nice wing-tip eye. Ladies with a strong eyebrow (thick, well defined) do well with a thick liner. If you have thin eyebrows then, in most cases, a thicker liner will look off balanced in the small space the eye takes on your face. Focus more on shadows and mascara. Of course, you can use liner, just not a thick, wing-tip or strong obvious line). Having said that, should you choose to use colour liner, then you can throw my whole theory out the window.

Back to red lips. The ultimate sexy look and since the holidays are white with red all over, then it is 100% appropriate to glam up those lips. A little shimmer and shine on the eyes to accentuate the almond shape and in the case of the lady below, tons of contouring, and voila!

A variation on wing tips. extremely thick liner and nothing else. if you look like an Olsen twin, then you can achieve this look.

And for what I think is the look to strive for this season: high bun, pearl earrings, red lips and a nicely, but not overly, liquid-lined eye. Party dress on and cocktail in hand. Oh how I wish I had somewhere to go this holiday season! haha (not kidding).

So, whether you are wearing your version of a Santa costume,

or you choose to shine like an ornament form your tree...

 dress up from top to bottom! There are very few occasions where you can contrive a look, and not be the only one overly dressed for the party - and the holidays is one of those occasions. 

Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Next-Level Ear Candy

Dior can clearly do no wrong!

I think it is safe to say that we can all thank Dior for changing the way we see earrings by taking them to the next level with their tribal-inspired designs.
Whether you pair them with a t-shirt and jeans, wear them to the office or take them with you to a party, they have the ability to make any outfit chic.

Dior's tribal earrings have recently been spotted on - well - everyone!
Let me tell you, the look is being pulled off with pure ease.

While some of you may think they don't suit you, you couldn't be more wrong.
Get your earrings today and I bet you won't be able to stop at just one!

The combinations are endless - mix and match your post and ball to make your customized look and feel like a designer for a day (without all the literal work of being a designer). 
Stay tuned for more...
Coco xx

Saturday, December 06, 2014

Classic Red

As Saturday night approaches, the red lipstick in my make up case itches to come out and play.

All I want tonight is to rock out with some wine, friends and red lipstick... is that too much to ask for?

Oh, red lipstick, how do I wear you?

Every woman wants to wear red, but most shy away from it. Well, I'm here to tell you that red goes with everything... always!

Don't get scared and back away, just put it on and walk out the door. So, some things to remember:

there are several shades of red
red can be more blue or it can be more orange
it can even be a touch pink
red comes in matte, shiny, glossy and high juicy glossy
wear a natural face with red
dark eyeliner is allowed (but do NOT go smokey with red - unless you are on the red carpet)

Red goes well on a casual night with a t shirt and jeans, but it also looks fantastic with leather :)

Pearls or diamonds match perfectly with red.

So, whether it's a night on the town, casual drinks with friends, red compliments every scenario.

I would suggest playing around with every possible shade available before stating that red doesn't work for you.

Thanks for stopping by!


Friday, December 05, 2014

Bring on the Plaid

I think it is fair to say that we all have a soft spot for this traditional print.
While it comes in and out of fashion, it never truly goes away.
We can all thank the movie Clueless for bringing this trend into full effect in the 90s.

This season it is back and I am growing a severe obsession/love affair with plaid... I couldn't be happier about it.
Designers are making it so easy for us to bring it into our daily wardrobe cycle.

Whether it be a shirt, jacket, poncho, scarf, detailing on a bag or a pair of pants, you just can't go wrong with plaid.
There are so many ways to rock this print, the only problem I have is what to buy first!
Have fun and rock your plaid on the daily.
Stay tuned for more...
Coco xx

Thursday, December 04, 2014

The Game Changer

Apple Cinnamon Muffins

Some goodies are sinful. Some goodies are indulgent. Most hurt my stomach. But these, these muffins are simple, straightforward and healthy. They are... the game changer.

I made these muffins this morning for my chicas, and I've eaten 3 already :)

I found the recipe online at and I changed almost every ingredient!
 I don't like to use sugar in my baking, nor do I ever use milk. Most of the time I go for straight up vegan treats, but this time I used the egg, why not?!

So, here is the recipe, I hope you enjoy!

Prep time: 5 mins                           Bake time: 30 mins                    Total: 35 mins

You can make 12 decent-sized muffins (fill muffin tin 3/4 of the way), or 8-9 big muffins (fill the tin up)

  • 2 cups oat flour (+ 1 tbsp for apple)
  • 1 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 Gala apple, diced
  • 1/2 cup melted coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup coconut sugar
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • 1/2 cup coconut/almond milk
  • 2 tbsp apple sauce, unsweetened (I used the funky unsweetened flavour from Motts - carrot peach apple)

  1. Preheat oven to 375 F. Get muffin tin ready with either oil or coconut oil or some form of butter.
  2. Sift the dry ingredients: flour, baking powder, salt, cinnamon. Set aside.
  3. Cut up apple and coat them with the extra tbsp of oat flour. Set aside. 
  4. Combine sugar with melted oil and whisk. Then add one egg at a time and whisk well. Add vanilla. This step should take 3 minutes of good whisking.
  5. Fold dry into wet slowly, alternating with milk. Go one dry, then one milk, then one dry, then one milk, then one dry and finally add the apple sauce. Throw in apples and fold.
  6. Spoon in the batter to the muffin tin. Bake for 30 minutes.

Good treats, happy tots!

Thanks for stopping by!


Wednesday, December 03, 2014

The Rebirth of the Backpack

Backpacks are officially seen everywhere! It is the go-to must-have bag of the season.

Alexander Wang @ Barney's

I don't know one woman who doesn't carry around more than needed on a daily basis.
It is as if we all live in constant fear of being stranded without - and by without, I mean everything we own!

Well, this deep rooted fear is no longer an issue thanks to many top designers who have taken the classic backpack to the next level. Allowing us woman to pretty much pack up all of our favourite things for the day.

Louis Vuitton

Designers have gone wild with backpacks.

From clean lines to quilted detailing, studs and more, there is a backpack to fit everyone's personal style.

                                                                    Stella McCartney

Have fun this season and get your backpack packed!

Stay Tuned for more..

Coco xx

Thursday, November 27, 2014

The Bottom Line on Liner?

 Ahh liner - the aspect of make up I get asked most often about. There are so many options out there it really is hard to choose. First off, every company claims to make the best liner, but then even within that company they have cream liner, kohl liner, and liquid liner. Then they have an array of colours to choose from in different sizes: the thin crayon or the impossible-to-apply-properly thick liner. 

At the end of the day, you gotta choose what works for you in your daily routine. And so the question remains, what is best for you?

                          (Left to right: Givenchy, Chanel, Mac)                                                   

Liquid liner is one of my favourites to use, but it really depends on what look you are going for and how steady your hand is. Many might argue with me on this one, but I stand by the fact that it is the hardest of all liners to apply: it's wet and dries very quickly. So, you gotta be steady, straight and you can't make a mistake, especially since liner is the last part of the eye to be applied (with the exception of mascara).

I love these three brands, Chanel being my favourite. I usually use a liner brush to apply the liquid liner, forgetting the brush that the liquid comes with. I don't like to use the brush from the bottle because anything that comes in a bottle can accumulate bacteria… need I say more?

(MAC Cosmetics)

Straight up crayon liner and kohl liners are the easiest to use. And if you make a litre mistake they aren't so hard to wipe off. The most common mistake with liner is that you have to make one sweep across the lid, which is largely incorrect. I like to make dabs (like a perforated line) in the desired area and then connect them either with the pencil or with an angled brush, smoothing over the line. This also helps to add a bit of shading to the liner, so that it doesn't look like a stencil across your lid (if that is what you are going for, you are better off with liquid liner).


Choosing the right colour for your look is the easiest part. Most people opt for black, brown or even grey. I like to switch it up and throw a little green, purple or blue in there sometimes. But, then again, it depends on the look you are going for, the event you are off to, the outfit you are wearing, and how bold you want your look to be.

(Laura Mercier)

I love love love Laura Mercier liners. My favourite is the thicker stick shown here. It works so well for under the eye. Here's a tip: hold the liner crayon up (like the whole stick is vertical against your cheek) and run the liner along your bottom lid. If you use a good angled brush to smooth it in, the smokey look can even be achieved by make-tards (this who can not apply make up to save their life). I'm not such a fan of cream liners. But if I had to use it, I would use Laura Mercier. 


(Left to right: Trish McEvoy, Bobbi Brown, Laura Mercier) 

The angled brush and the liner brush. These are my top pics. The thin angled brush to blend in the crayon or kohl, or the chubbier one to really create some shading (even smoke) and finally the liner brush, to dip into the liquid bottle or cream jar.

                    (Paula Dorf)                                                                 (MAC Cosmetics)

Last but not least is the option for those who can't find the colour they want, or are in between on the war of cream and liquid versus crayon, pencil or kohl. Use Paula Dorf's shadow transformer and mix it with the shadow of your choice, and voilĂ ! Liner baby!

The best way to achieve the perfect upper liner is to find your natural line - the way to do this is to follow your bottom lid outward toward your brow (not that far out, just on that invisible line). 

That's the bottom line on liner. Because what's in your case goes on your face, and that matters ;)

Thanks for stopping by!
